The Claudia Journey.
(as i like to call it he he)
For as long as i can remember one of my things on that list "To Do Before You Die" is Travel the World! I know where i want to go, i know what i want to see. I just have to get there! and of course have money $$$$ lol So i guess im going to blog about where i want to go!
The Belpaese (Beautiful Country) is one of the single greatest repositories of sensorial pleasures on earth. From art to food, from stunning and varied countryside to flamboyant fashion, Italy has it all.

the Boboli Gardens
The Boboli Gardens, in Italian I Giardini di Boboli, form a famous park in Florence, Italy, that is home to a distinguished collection of sculptures dating from the 16th through the 18th centuries, with some Roman antiquities.

the Rialto Bridge
The Piazza San Marco may be more famous, but the Ponte di Rialto (Rialto Bridge) is the true heart of Venice. The current structure was built in just three years, between 1588 and 1591, as a permanent replacement for the boat bridge and three wooden bridges that had spanned the Grand Canal at various times since the 12th Century. It remained the only way to cross the Grand Canal on foot until the Accademia Bridge was built in 1854.

The Villa of the Quintilii
The Villa of the Quintilii is an ancient Roman villa beyond the fifth milestone along the Via Appia Antica just outside the traditional boundaries of Rome, Italy. It was built by the rich and cultured brothers Sextus Quintilius Maximus and Sextus Quintilius Condianus (consuls in 151 CE) in the course of the 2nd century.
The ruins of this villa suburbana are of such extent that when they were first excavated, the site was called Roma Vecchia ("Old Rome") by the locals, as they occupied too great a ground, it seemed, to have been anything less than a town. Today the archeological site houses a museum with marble friezes and sculptures that once adorned the villa.

the Leaning Tower of Pisa
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is the campanile, or freestanding bell tower, of the cathedral of the Italian city of Pisa. It is situated behind the Cathedral and is the third oldest structure in Pisa's Cathedral Square (Piazza del Duomo) after the Cathedral and the Baptistry.
Rome is regarded as one of the world's most beautiful ancient cities, and contains vast amounts of priceless works of art, palaces, museums, parks, churches, gardens, basilicas, temples, villas, piazzas, theatres, and other venues in general.
Here is why i want to go.
(as i like to call it he he)
For as long as i can remember one of my things on that list "To Do Before You Die" is Travel the World! I know where i want to go, i know what i want to see. I just have to get there! and of course have money $$$$ lol So i guess im going to blog about where i want to go!
The Belpaese (Beautiful Country) is one of the single greatest repositories of sensorial pleasures on earth. From art to food, from stunning and varied countryside to flamboyant fashion, Italy has it all.

the Boboli Gardens
The Boboli Gardens, in Italian I Giardini di Boboli, form a famous park in Florence, Italy, that is home to a distinguished collection of sculptures dating from the 16th through the 18th centuries, with some Roman antiquities.

the Rialto Bridge
The Piazza San Marco may be more famous, but the Ponte di Rialto (Rialto Bridge) is the true heart of Venice. The current structure was built in just three years, between 1588 and 1591, as a permanent replacement for the boat bridge and three wooden bridges that had spanned the Grand Canal at various times since the 12th Century. It remained the only way to cross the Grand Canal on foot until the Accademia Bridge was built in 1854.

The Villa of the Quintilii
The Villa of the Quintilii is an ancient Roman villa beyond the fifth milestone along the Via Appia Antica just outside the traditional boundaries of Rome, Italy. It was built by the rich and cultured brothers Sextus Quintilius Maximus and Sextus Quintilius Condianus (consuls in 151 CE) in the course of the 2nd century.
The ruins of this villa suburbana are of such extent that when they were first excavated, the site was called Roma Vecchia ("Old Rome") by the locals, as they occupied too great a ground, it seemed, to have been anything less than a town. Today the archeological site houses a museum with marble friezes and sculptures that once adorned the villa.

the Leaning Tower of Pisa
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is the campanile, or freestanding bell tower, of the cathedral of the Italian city of Pisa. It is situated behind the Cathedral and is the third oldest structure in Pisa's Cathedral Square (Piazza del Duomo) after the Cathedral and the Baptistry.
Rome is regarded as one of the world's most beautiful ancient cities, and contains vast amounts of priceless works of art, palaces, museums, parks, churches, gardens, basilicas, temples, villas, piazzas, theatres, and other venues in general.
Here is why i want to go.
the Colosseum
The Roman Colosseum or Coliseum, originally known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, was commisioned in AD 72 by Emperor Vespasian. It was completed by his son, Titus, in 80, with later improvements by Domitian.
The Colosseum is located just east of the Roman Forum and was built to a practical design, with its 80 arched entrances allowing easy access to 55,000 spectators, who were seated according to rank. The Coliseum is huge, an ellipse 188m long and 156 wide. Originally 240 masts were attached to stone corbels on the 4th level.

the Roman Pantheon
The Roman Pantheon is the most preserved and influential building of ancient Rome. It is a Roman temple dedicated to all the gods of pagan Rome. As the brick stamps on the side of the building reveal it was built and dedicated between A.D 118 and 125.
The emperor Hadrian (A.D 117-138) built the Pantheon to replace Augustus’ friend and Commander Marcus Agrippa’s Pantheon of 27 B.C. which burnt to the ground in 80 A.D.

Roman Forum
The Roman Forum was designed by the architect Vitruvius with proportions 3:2 (length to width). For centuries, the Forum Romanum was the site of the city's most important public buildings, such as the Arch of Septimius Severus, built in AD203 and the Roman Forum Rostra or platforms for public speeches. The reliefs on the triple arch represented many of Rome's victories over oriental tribes and the Rostra was decorated with prows of warships captured during battles. The Roman Forum became the spectacular showcase of the Roman Empire filled with beautiful statues and architecture.
Vatican Museums in Rome house their fabulous masterpieces in palaces originally built for Renaissance popes such as Julius II, Innocent VIII and Sixtus IV. Most of the later addition were made in the 18th century, when priceless works of art accumulated by earlier popes were firts put on show.
Vatican Museum is home to the Sistine Chapel and Raphael Rooms as well as to one of the world's most important art collections.
The museums feature:
- Sistine Chapel

- Raphael Rooms

- Etruscan Museum

The Colosseum is located just east of the Roman Forum and was built to a practical design, with its 80 arched entrances allowing easy access to 55,000 spectators, who were seated according to rank. The Coliseum is huge, an ellipse 188m long and 156 wide. Originally 240 masts were attached to stone corbels on the 4th level.

the Roman Pantheon
The Roman Pantheon is the most preserved and influential building of ancient Rome. It is a Roman temple dedicated to all the gods of pagan Rome. As the brick stamps on the side of the building reveal it was built and dedicated between A.D 118 and 125.
The emperor Hadrian (A.D 117-138) built the Pantheon to replace Augustus’ friend and Commander Marcus Agrippa’s Pantheon of 27 B.C. which burnt to the ground in 80 A.D.

Roman Forum
The Roman Forum was designed by the architect Vitruvius with proportions 3:2 (length to width). For centuries, the Forum Romanum was the site of the city's most important public buildings, such as the Arch of Septimius Severus, built in AD203 and the Roman Forum Rostra or platforms for public speeches. The reliefs on the triple arch represented many of Rome's victories over oriental tribes and the Rostra was decorated with prows of warships captured during battles. The Roman Forum became the spectacular showcase of the Roman Empire filled with beautiful statues and architecture.
Vatican City and Museums
Vatican City was established in 1929 by the Lateran Treaty, signed by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Gasparri, on behalf of the Holy See(Sancta Sedes). Vatican City is an ecclesiastical or sacerdotal-monarchical state, ruled by the Bishop of Rome—the Pope. The highest state functionaries are all Catholic clergymen of various national origins. Vatican Museums in Rome house their fabulous masterpieces in palaces originally built for Renaissance popes such as Julius II, Innocent VIII and Sixtus IV. Most of the later addition were made in the 18th century, when priceless works of art accumulated by earlier popes were firts put on show.
Vatican Museum is home to the Sistine Chapel and Raphael Rooms as well as to one of the world's most important art collections.
The museums feature:
- Sistine Chapel

- Raphael Rooms

- Etruscan Museum

I am CERTAIN ive missed alot more wonderful places to visit it Italy! I guess i'll just have to go there myself. Lately ive had the travel bug, i want to go places, see what the world has to offer! im jealous of everyone i know who is overseas/or going overseas!
Rome is a place ive always wanted to visit, it has so much history. See im one of those people when i visit a place in the world and it has a HUGE history I will sit there and daydream about what it was like back then, silly i know. What remains of the Ancient Rome is enough for any visitor to appreciate and get a good idea of the building proportions and importance of their history
"One day! i will get there"
Until The Next Blog
"One day! i will get there"
Until The Next Blog
sounds magical.. as i was reading down the list of places you would like to visit in rome i was just swept up in the magic of it all. it definitely is such a magnificent place to go to. and i have no doubt that one day you will get there. its absolutely mesmerizing... and i wish you all the best in your travels abroad!
ReplyDeletep.s: how do i add on the 'reactions' tab (on my blog)?
ReplyDeleteThank YoU! Hopefuly one day ill get the chance to go :) oh the reactions thing, you got to go to the design link in the dashboard for the blog you want to make changes, then click on the edit link on the blog post widget. You can checkmark the reactions there :)
ReplyDeleteThank youuuu!