So i was on Facebook tthe other day and i joined this group called You Know Your Portuguese When.....and it listed 40 things. I laughed because pretty much all the dot points were so relevant to my life! So heres the story of my life in dot points haha
You Know Your Portugese When.
-You spent your entire childhood thinking what you ate for lunch was pronounced "sanweesha."
-You've experienced the phenomena of 150 people fitting into 50 square feet of yard during a family gathering.
-You were surprised to discover that people eat only three meals a day, not seven.
-You were as tall as your grandmother by the age of seven.
-You ate your salad after the main course
-You thought every meal had to be eaten with a hunk of bread in your left hand.
-You drank wine before you were a teenager
-Your grandparent's furniture was as comfortable as sitting on plastic. Wait!!!! You were sitting on plastic.
-You called any pasta "shpargett"
-Every condition, ailment, misfortune, memory loss and accident was attributed to the fact that you didn't eat something.
-Your grandparent's furniture was as comfortable as sitting on plastic. Wait!!!! You were sitting on plastic
and my two most FAVOURITE dot points.
-You thought that talking loud was normal.
-Your mom's main hobby is cleaning
hahaha! it really made me Laugh out Loud.

So todays post is going to be focused on little bit of my family or familia as i like to call it :) First off Im European, the only thing that makes me Australian is well i was born here haha! other than that...im all European! And love everything about it
My dad was born in Belguim, Brussels and my mum well she was born in Mozumbique, Africa BUT back then it was a Portuguese colony..so yup shes portuguese!..... So you guess it! my dad comes from the land of the BEST CHOCOLATE! (mm belgian chocolate)and well my mum comes from the land of the BEST FOOD EVER aka NANDOS but nando's aint got NOTHING on my Grandfathers "real portuguese style chicken" lol (TO DIE FOR)....We grew up with huge festivities, huge families and family friends well who are basically just family anyways and of course the FOOOD! the food is probably both a pro and con in my life, its a PRO because it is soooooo YUMMM but its a CON because i just eat way to much then i should eat haha. My brother and i have pretty much just taken on my mums nationality and call ourselves PORTUGUESE lol i dont speak it tho :( except for certain things (naughty words LOL) but i still say im portuguese haha!

Im very very LUCKY to have a great parents, they have always been so supportive and encouraging with everything ive decided to do with my life, they are just amazing. My little bro, well he isnt to bad haha nah he is good we do have our differences and because we are 6 yrs apart it was a pain in the arse growing up BUT now we have a cool relationship.... My mum is a perfect example of a European mother, instead of cooking a meal that will feed a family she cooks for a freaking army, i have not EVER witnessed a time when my mum cooks, that there wasnt leftovers, basically if we dont have leftovers somethings wrong! hahaha. Her excuse is, well if there isnt any leftovers your still HUNGRY! My grandma (mum's mum) is the same, my dad in fact blames my mum and grandma for eating to much and putting on weight haha and when i think about it..so do i!!! :P:P Now my dad is a chef too soo whoever cooks w are gonna have a good meal lol.
I love learning about everyones different cultures and traditions, in our family we have quite alot of traditions, for eg. Most people open their presents early in the morning Christmas Day, and all celebrations are then too. Well for us we have this MASSIVE feast and all our celebrations Christmas Eve and open our presents right on the dot of MIDNIGHT, i used to love it when i was a kid, we would have someone dress up as Santa and all the adults would have bells (symbolising reindeers lol) haha good times! we dont do that much anymore bcoz we have no kids in the family anymore..one day ;) haha...but it is good because when we decide to have kids, its not going to be hard who is going to spend christmas day with who...its simple! Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas Day with Williams family...GENIUS! haha...We also have tradional foods we cook for different occasions...i love xmas in the Pollaert/Da Silva household! ♥ Also on new yrs we have 12 sultarna's on the lead up to the count-down (dont know why ive actually never asked but we always do it haha)
Now the reason ive decided to talk about my family is well my mum came back on the weeked from a 5 week holiday (jealous) from Portugal! I was looking through all her photos and of course i was also going though the massive amounts of stuff she brought back for my brother and i aswell haha! but the photos she took just made me sad bcoz i dont see my family often as they all live in Darwin. Now, my grandparents brought up my parents beautifully and now my parents have brought my brother and I up pretty much the same way...(minus being in Europe of course haha) so i thank them for making my parents so great! My Grandmother in Darwin (mum's mum) who i call Avó, is probably the best cook EVER in this world! i know, i know, pretty much everyone says that about their grandmothers but im not lieing! she is the BEST! and lucky for me my mum is just like her and is the BEST COOK aswell! I suppose im next in line haha goodluck to me! She is also the most caring, loving person i know and i love her with all my heart and i miss her everyday! And then theres my grandfather who i call Avô who is probably the most funniest person i know, and im his favourite Grandchild because we both support the same soccer team...Sporting Lisbon! (boo to all Benfica lovers lol) but he is also the infamous Portuguese Chicken Cooker....now when i first took William to Darwin he was abit scepticle..and i kept insisting..its the BEST! and he kind of didnt believe me until he tried it and yupp you guessed it...he admited it was the BEST!!

Now as for my Dads family well Grandmammy aka grummy for short lol (dad's mum) is the cutest grandma ever! she is also where i get my artistic side from ;) and also where i get my evilness from when i play cards! haha She sometimes thinks shes "hip" when she starts dancing after a bit too many drinks lol and makes the best ever cherry pie mmm...Grandpappy aka grumpy for short haha (he sometimes lives up to the name :P) is also mr. comedian! just like Avô, when they are together we are all it fits of laughter! Grumpy is the best! and i never ever see him without a "tea" (what he calls beer lol) in his hand.

To be honest with you this blog post just doesnt do justice of how wonderful my family is...im very greatful...ive always lived for family! and one day i will take on everything they have taught me and pass on all the traditions, stories and love to my lil family i have one day :)
Family is Forever.
:) thank you for sharing some wonderful memories and traditions about your family. i think you have such a beautiful family - rich in food and in love for each other. and no doubt when you & will start a family of your own you two will carry on all the cultural customs and traditions. its a beautiful thing to do.
ReplyDeleteyour family sound awesome by the way. must be where you get all that awesome-ness from aye?!. keep up the blogging. you are doing a fabulous job!. only way is up from here (right!). really enjoyed the read. & i take inspiration from this blog post as well.
have a good week & happy blogging!. j
Thank you for reading Joan :) I love my family they are in every way amazing!!!
ReplyDeletehaha yehh i get all my awesome-ness from them ;) OR they get it from me?? hahaha xo