Ola!! How are you all?
Yepp everyone i am "phone Blogging" yew yew lol i finally got rid of my "mind of its own, stubborn&annoying" iPhone and got a "super duper fast, AWESOME&smart" Samsung galaxy s2 its soo soo good! If anyone has an iPhone take it back and get the galaxy!! Lol
Yepp everyone i am "phone Blogging" yew yew lol i finally got rid of my "mind of its own, stubborn&annoying" iPhone and got a "super duper fast, AWESOME&smart" Samsung galaxy s2 its soo soo good! If anyone has an iPhone take it back and get the galaxy!! Lol
Ok enough about my phone Hahaha back to the real reason im Blogging today! Im just testing my Blogging app and seeing how good it is to write a blog via my phone yew yew. *smiles*
Random Note:
I was looking thru my wedding pictures again 2day (as you do:P) and i just loved this photo of my wedding dress xoxoxoxo

lovely picture!